Georg Gsenger
I have worked as a metalworker since my apprenticeship in 1991. After years of experience, first as a metalworker, then installation manager and finally as a project manager and managing director, I went into business for myself in 2014 and founded my new company Metallidee GmbH in Bischofshofen. Since this fresh start, I try every day to find new and innovative solutions for our customers. Whether in building pavilions, awning systems, open air patios, individually movable roof surfaces or in all types of metalwork in the private sector (balcony railings, repairs, restorations, conservatories, general metalwork and artistic metalwork, etc.).
T: 0664 1110063 | E: gsenger@metallidee.at

Emanuel Fröhlich
I have worked as a technical draftsman since completing my studies at Technical Vocational School in 2012. At Metallidee GmbH, I gather new experience every day with professional planning on paper and in photorealistic plans on the computer in 2D and 3D for our new projects. I am also increasingly active in advertising. If necessary, I am also deployed as an assembly hand and can use this practical work at installation locations (especially during the assembly of our snow pusher) for my design work. Because of this versatility, my work is particularly interesting.
T: 0664 7645882 | E: froehlich@metallidee.at

With my previous work as a metalworker and particularly as an assembly manager, I started in the new company with renewed motivation. I hope for many new projects at home and abroad – as before, I am naturally also responsible for service work in already existing plants. I hope for many new projects at home and abroad – as before, I am naturally also responsible for service work in already existing plants.
T: 0664 4318643 | E: info@metallidee.at

Meine Motivation bei Metallidee ist es mit einem jungen kreativen Team außergewöhnliche, funktionelle und maßgeschneiderte Ideen mit dem Kunden umzusetzen und das zur Zufriedenheit aller Beteiligten.
T: 06642510858 | E: apm@salzburg.co.at

Buchhaltung, Allgemeine Büroarbeiten
Ich freue mich seit März 2018 Teil des Teams rund um Georg Gsenger zu sein und bin für alle Büro- und Buchhaltungsangelegenheiten zuständig. Meine beruflichen Erfahrungen im Tourismus, in der Verwaltung und in einer Steuerberatungskanzlei werden mir dabei sicher hilfreich sein.
T: 06462 90303 | E: info@metallidee.at

I have been a metalworker for over 20 years and have many years of practical experience in general metalsmith work and of course in pavilion building. I can bring this experience to the new company and get a fresh start with our new team. In der neuen Firma kann ich diese Erfahrungen einbringen und mit unserem neuen Team wieder neu starten.
T: 06462 90303 | E: info@metallidee.at

Most important to me is reliability, consistency and accuracy – and of course new challenges. I can fully contribute these qualities through my work in the new company.
T: 06462 90303 | E: koessner@metallidee.at

Metalworker, Montage, Service
Ich ergänze in den Sommermonaten, wenn die Montagearbeiten auf den Baustellen in vollem Gang sind das Metallidee Team. Jedes Projekt ist anders, einzigartig und eine neue Herausforderung. Durch meine Erfahrungen kann ich das Team unterstützen und betreue unsere Kunden auch in den folgenden Jahren.
T: 0676 4356668 | E: info@metallidee.at